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Individual signed paperbacks

The brand new Penfold detective whodunit set in Durham. Choose a special message from the author by completing the author dedication request and Buy Now!

Paperback of Burns Bight Burns by MM Hudson

Burns Night Burns sent to …

Requested author dedication


Individual signed paperbacks

Rare Red Edition of The Times of Malthus. Individually numbered and signed, only 40 copies were ever made.

Rare red edition of The Times of Malthus paperback

Rare Red Edition Times of Malthus sent to…

Individual signed paperbacks

Two women struggles to make sense of our crumbling world descend into a fight for survival.

Papberback copy of The Times of Malthus by Miles M Hudson

Times of Malthus sent to …

The Times of Malthus is the standalone prequel to 2089.

Individual signed paperbacks

A faster paced thriller about seriously deep deepfake videos.

Signed 1st Edition

The Mind’s Eye sent to …

Kidnap, murder, heist, in the medieval City of Durham.

Signed 1st edition

The Kidney Killer sent to …

A classic British whodunit about sex, drugs, and professional sport.

The Cricketer’s Corpse sent to …

How would we come to live if there could be no secrets?

Picture of Miles Hudson's novel 2089 in paperback
Signed 1st edition

2089 sent to …

Paperback Bundles


2089 & TME signed

Audiopt Bargain bundle pack

TKK and TCC signed

Penfold Bargain bundle pack

The Big Four Bargain Bundle

All 4 signed

4 Book Bargain Bundle Pack

For ebook versions you need to buy them from Amazon: links below

The blurb for Burns Night Burns

On a cold night in Durham Castle, two local businessmen are caught in a bizarre fire at a Burns Night Supper. Penfold and Detective Sergeant Milburn have several suspects, but all seem equally plausible as the arsonist killer.

The suspects come from all walks of life: the victims’ widows, an obsessively ambitious chef, a mistress, an illegitimate son, a student, a conman, two scheming sisters and an ex-soldier.

When a stolen antique sword and a bank hostage crisis are added into the mix, Penfold and Milburn face their most intriguing case yet.

Another classic whodunit in the celebrated British tradition. Set in Durham in the north of England, someone is guilty of double murder, but who?


The blurb for The Times of Malthus

2020s life is hard for Ellie and Loshie, growing up, getting married and settling down in Brighton. And then comes the pandemic, inflation, strikes, polarising politics and climate change.

Copies of The Times of Malthus by Miles Hudson, paperback, kindle and phone versions.The Bitness Revelations, in 2028, expose universal corruption and exploitation. The people’s rage destroys governments and corporations everywhere. Societal collapse soon follows, and Ellie and Loshie’s lives become a daily fight to survive.

With nothing left to lose, they make one final throw of the dice: a cross-country journey in search of sanctuary. But in these Times of Malthus, will anywhere be safe? Does a new form of surveillance technology offer hope, or a return to oppression?

Audiopt technology can record everything you see and hear. There can be no secrets.

Is total surveillance the answer?


The blurb for The Mind’s Eye

Miles Hudson's novel, The Mind's Eye shown on a phone.

Everything anyone sees and hears is recorded and available to view online. Our eyes and ears are remotely wiretapped. There can be no secrets.

But… what if the surveillance system had been hacked, and you weren’t actually committing the crimes people saw you committing?

Jack Smith and Vicky Truva are on the run, again.

The blurb for The Kidney Killer

Paperback and tablet cover image for The Kidney Killer by M M HudosnA kidnap, a theft, and a murderous moon-worshipping cult: Detective Sergeant Milburn has his work cut out to solve several cases that all appear at once.

Milburn’s job is trickier as both victims are friends with his girlfriend. He desperately needs to solve the cases but has to keep his personal involvement secret. With the clock ticking down on the fate of the second missing woman, the pressure ramps up.

Penfold, the detective’s enigmatic surfer friend, is called on to help investigate. His puzzle-solving genius helps sift real clues from red herrings. The struggle for leads is constant, until it becomes clear that Penfold and Milburn are, in fact, central to all the crimes.

The blurb for 2089

The year is 2089, and technologists have developed a system for remotely tapping into the optic and auditory nerves of all humans. Everything that people see and hear is detected and this is published publicly online; nothing can be secret. It is the ultimate surveillance society.       

Jack Smith blows up the old GCHQ building in Cheltenham, destroying the surveillance computers. He goes on the run across post-apocalyptic Gloucestershire, with old friend Vicky Truva. The two are chased by a ragtag posse, including Vicky’s brothers, intent on bringing the apparent revolutionaries to justice. However, the fugitives have the advantage that the information and surveillance network is down…

The blurb for The Cricketer’s Corpse

Why did Hamish Elliott die? The professional cricketer’s gruesome corpse is found in his own bed, with no signs of a struggle. But was it murder, suicide, accident or natural causes?

Durham Police’s Detective Sergeant Tony Milburn investigates. Who might have wanted Elliott dead? And why did the sleeping cricketer’s penis burst? The investigation is fraught, as Milburn is forced to work with Diane Meredith, the sensual policewoman who stalked and harassed him nearly a year earlier. Will he fall for her wiles, again?

The passage through a quagmire of suspects and potential motives is signposted by Milburn’s enigmatic, surfer friend, Penfold, and a menagerie of bizarre characters.

All Miles’ books are also available from Amazon

Recent Physics textbook titles include Edexcel’s GCSE Science and Additional Science scheme course books and Edexcel A level Physics Students’ books (the exam board recommended book) and then the same for the International A Level for Edexcel Physics, and the perennial Longman 11-14 Physics.

You can check out all of Miles’ physics books by clicking this link to Amazon.